mother and baby
This class is here to support you and your baby in your post-natal period. After much expectation your baby is finally here!
11:15 am -1:15 pm mother and baby yoga with lunch £20
2:15 -4 pm with afternoon tea £16
Lunch/Afternoon tea. Home Studio Castle Hill, Central Reading
Maximum 6 mummies and babies, followed by chat and home made morning tea.
A weekly retreat!
From six weeks post-natal.
This class is a time to turn off the phone and avoid the never ending list of jobs and increasing demands on you as a woman and mother. It is a space for you and your baby to recover, restore, relax and discover each other.
Babies do not run to a time table or a class plan, so please feel free to stop and feed, change, be with your baby, when they need you. The class will focus on your needs but also your babies. Yoga together rather than trying to do yoga with your baby tagging along! The class will provide a mutually supportive environment. The most important thing to learn is to go with the flow, by not having too many expectations. Participate as much as you can during the class and take away with you the philosophy to cherish and nurture yourself within each day that presents-sometimes magical, sometimes frustrating, tiring, and boring!