Yoga is for everyone.
Yoga is for you.
For your individual body, your experience of health and your lifestyle.

Yoga has many tools to enhance your quality of life. You can work with yoga on many levels. An inflexible body can be supported to move and soften. A weak body can move towards being strong. Shallow breath can become deeper and health enhancing. Yoga can support you to move from a confused mind to one of clarity. Yoga can offer you support as an individual and in your relationships. It can help you adapt to changes in your life whilst remaining true to yourself.

'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. ' 
A Tale of Two Cities

Modern life is exhilarating, full of choice and opportunities but also isolating, exhausting disconnecting.

Yoga is a methodology for your life, a box of tools to offer support and strength and through this to allow openness, space and reintegration in your life. By choosing to work with yoga in a way right for you, it can offer you freedom to enjoy modern life and freedom to reject what does not work.

As you practice yoga, even from a thread in your life to a whole tapestry, you will experience the benefits. Practising in a group class once a week may encourage better rest, strength and improved breathing, allowing you a chance to pause and find some space for clarity of thought. Through regular practice, it can empower you. It can empower you to adapt to change, to face fears such as childbirth, to support you as you age or help you recover from the effects of stress and depression. You may find support from yoga philosophy to help you navigate your relationship with the world and others.

Yoga offers us independence.

'We are the ones we have been waiting for.'
Alice Walker.

It can allow you the space to notice what is wonderful about this world and this life.